splined shaft

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Drive Line Service of Fresno, CA

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Note that our catalog is not 100% complete. We are working on that. What we have catalogged are the parts we recognized a demand for. Please call if you cannot find what you need.


Series >

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Vendor major diameter number of splines *L* length of spline *R* length *K* weld-end tube size Model Part No
Buyers Products 1.125 10 .875 BORED END M10
Buyers Products 1.125 10 1.25X.095 SS-1.125-10
MS 1.25 10 2.25 4.69 5.25 2X.065 3668JMS
Neapco 1.25 16 2.00 4.19 4.75 2x.083 N2-40-971-2
Dana Spicer 1.250 16 2.00 3.9380 4.469 1.75x.065 2-40-971
Dana Spicer 1.250 16 2.00 5.4380 5.9690 1.75x.095 2-40-2241
Dana Spicer 1.250 16 2.00 5.4060 6.00 2.00x.083 2-40-1741
Dana Spicer 1.250 16 3.625 5.4060 6.1250 2.50x.065 2-40-2481
Dana Spicer 1.250 16 2.50 7.0310 7.7500 2.50x.065 2-40-2301
Dana Spicer 1.250 16 2.00 5.4060 6.00 2.00x.120 2-40-2381
Dana Spicer 1.250 16 1.906 5.375 6.125 1.250x.120 2-40-1771
MS 1.375 10 2.50 5.38 6.13 2.5X.083 3666JMS
Dana Spicer 1.375 16 2.250 4.625 5.1880 2.00x.083 2-40-1031
Dana Spicer 1.375 16 2.250 5.625 6.1880 2.00x.120 2-40-1701
Dana Spicer 1.375 16 2.250 6.125 6.8440 2.50x.065 2-40-1291
Dana Spicer 1.375 16 2.250 5.625 6.3440 2.50x.083 2-40-1711
Dana Spicer 1.375 16 2.250 6.812 7.5310 2.50x.083 2-40-1851
Dana Spicer 1.375 16 2.250 5.625 6.4380 3.00x.065 2-40-1221
Dana Spicer 1.375 16 2.250 5.6250 6.625 3.50X.083 2-40-1531
Dana Spicer 1.375 16 2.250 5.6250 6.4380 3.00x.083 2-40-1521
Neapco 1.375 16 2.5 6.125 6.688 2.00x.120 N2-40-1701-1
Neapco 1.375 16 7.250 7.250 7.750 2.00x.120 Full Spline N2-40-1701-2
Dana Spicer 1.375 16 3.00 6.812 7.625 3.00x.083 2-40-2691
Dana Spicer 1.375 16 3.625 7.312 7.750 1.750x.095 2-40-2681
Neapco 1.375 16 6.906 7.969 8.969 3.5x.083 N2-40-2091
Dana Spicer 1.375 16 6.781 7.828 8.641 3.00x.083 full spline 2-40-1871
Neapco 1.375 16 3.38 7.12 8.12 2.50x.095 N2-40-2791-1
Neapco 1.375 16 2.25 6.12 6.69 2.00x.083 N2-40-1841-1
Neapco 1.375 32 3.50 2.50 9.00 1.620x.205 N3-53-1181-5
Dana Spicer 1.463 21*22 3.5 7.344 8.281 3.5X.083 3-40-2241
Dana Spicer 1.463 21/22 3.5 6.00 8.00 3.5x.065 Ford 3-53-2381
MS 1.5 10 3.00 6.04 6.75 2.5X.095 3545JMS
GKN 1.50 10 5.50 6.88 7.63 3X.095 4150JMS
Dana Spicer 1.500 16 2.50 4.969 5.625 2.50x.083 3-40-1471
Dana Spicer 1.500 16 2.50 6.438 7.250 3.00x.083 3-40-1611
Dana Spicer 1.500 16 3.00 6.594 7.406 3.00x.083 3-40-1421
Dana Spicer 1.500 16 2.50 6.406 7.344 3.50x.083 3-40-1621
Dana Spicer 1.500 16 3.00 6.594 7.531 3.50x.083 3-40-1491
Dana Spicer 1.500 16 3.00 6.688 7.875 4.00x.083 3-40-1501
Dana Spicer 1.500 16 3.00 5.469 6.281 3.00x.083 3-40-1511
Dana Spicer 1.500 16 3.00 5.6250 6.562 3.50x.083 3-40-1531
Dana Spicer 1.500 16 2.50 5.1250 5.938 3.00x.083 3-40-1101
Dana Spicer 1.500 16 3.00 5.6250 6.562 3.50x.065 3-40-1521
Neapco 1.500 16 6.53 7.00 8.76 2.5x.120 full spline N3-40-2512
Neapco 1.500 16 6.53 7.00 8.76 2.50x.083 N3-40-2508
Neapco 1.500 16 6.53 7.00 8.76 3X.083 N3-40-3008
Neapco 1.500 16 6.53 7.00 8.76 2X.120 N3-40-2012
Neapco 1.500 16 6.53 7.00 8.76 3.5X.083 N3-40-3508
Dana Spicer 1.535 23/24 3.0 7.06 8.00 3.50x.083 3-40-2171
MS 1.56 16 3.00 5.56 6.38 2.5X.095 26561JMS
Dana Spicer 1.562 16 3.00 9.8120 10.75 3.50x.083 3-40-1411
Dana Spicer 1.562 16 3.00 5.8120 6.75 3.50x.083 3-40-1571
Dana Spicer 1.562 16 3.00 7.8120 8.75 3.50x.083 3-40-1871
Dana Spicer 1.562 16 3.00 7.8120 8.938 4.00x.083 3-40-1551
MS 1.562 16 3 5.5 6.38 3X.120 SOLID 9-26561JMS
Dana Spicer 1.562 23.24 3 7.0800 8.00 3.50x.083 3-40-2091
Dana Spicer 1.562 23/24 3.5 6.84 7.4 4x.083 55-40-11
MS 1.75 10 3 6.28 7.00 3X.095 62NPS28-14
MS 1.75 10 12.13 13.44 14.25 3X.095 4290JMS
Dana Spicer 1.75 16 3.00 19.87 20.75 3.50X.095 4-40-1061
GKN 1.75 16 3.0 5.5 9.75 3x.095 28330JMS
1.75 16 3 6.28 7.00 3X.095 26431JMS
Dana Spicer 1.750 16 3.00 5.812 6.781 3.50x.095 4-40-761
Dana Spicer 1.750 16 3.00 8.250 9.219 3.50x.095 4-40-721
Dana Spicer 1.750 16 3.00 5.812 6.938 4.00x.083 4-40-781
Dana Spicer 1.937 29/30 4.00 6.841 8.799 4.00x.095 100-40-21X
Dana Spicer 1.937 29/30 4.00 7.831 9.590 4.00x.095 100-40-41X
Dana Spicer 1.937 30 4.00 7.188 8.28 4.00x.095 90-40-21
Dana Spicer 1.937 30 4.00 9.00 10.094 4.00x.134 90-40-11
Dana Spicer 1.937 30 4.00 7.19 8.28 4.00x.134 90-40-41
Dana Spicer 2.00 16 3.5 6.656 7.562 3.5x.095 5-40-451
Dana Spicer 2.00 16 3.50 8.781 9.688 3.50x.134 5-40-1011
Dana Spicer 2.00 16 3.50 8.78 9.844 4.00x.083 5-40-1051
Dana Spicer 2.00 16 3.50 6.565 7.562 3.5x.134 5-40-1191
MS 2.5 16 4.5 8.75 10 4x.188 A26845J
Neapco 2.50 16 4.0 8.25 9.25 4x.134 85-40541
Dana Spicer 2.50 16 4.00 8.250 9.250 4.095x.180 6-40-541
Dana Spicer 2.50 16 4.00 9.562 10.562 4.095x.180 6-40-521
Dana Spicer 2.50 16 4.00 9.469 10.656 4.50x.134 6-40-621
Dana Spicer 3.00 16 4.50 8.406 9.469 4.50x.134 6.5-40-201
Dana Spicer 3.00 16 4.50 10.031 11.250 4.50x.134 6.5-40-191
Dana Spicer 3.00 16 4.500 10.219 11.531 4.50x.259 8-40-101
Dana Spicer 3.00 16 4.500 8.594 9.906 4.50x.259 8-40-91